Acupuncture in Philadelphia is relied on for the cure of many physical problems, ranging from minor to severe. This practice is over 2,500 years old and first originated in China. Since its introduction into modern physical therapy, acupuncture in Philadelphia has advanced, not only in its methods but in the relief it provides to patients. Pain reduction, illness prevention, health promotion and decreased swelling are just some issues that this treatment can assist with. From muscular disorders to headaches and back pain, acupuncture in Philadelphia can make a major difference to body energy.
Acupuncture In Philadelphia – The Basics Of Acupuncture
As an ancient system of healing, acupuncture in Philadelphia is chosen for its ability to restore the balance within the body. The development of acupuncture in Philadelphia has continuously improved year after year, and with more realistic after-effects of the treatment. Universal energy, also known as Qi, is the main focus when performing this procedure. Simple and straightforward, acupuncture works through the insertion of fine needles into the skin. Needles are strategically positioned into particularly sensitive areas of the body and despite it looking painful, it is quite the opposite. Yin and Yang are two forces used during acupuncture in Philadelphia.
Acupuncture In Philadelphia – History Of This Treatment
The origination of this treatment to restore balance first began in China and following this, patients have received help worldwide for acupuncture in Philadelphia. Many East Asian countries still use this practice and despite it being said that acupuncture in Philadelphia has existed for 2,500 years, strong believers of the spiritual practice are adamant that it has been present for more than 5,000 years. Taoism is often linked to acupuncture and surprisingly, prior to acupuncture in Philadelphia unveiling this technique in the early 20th century, needles were inserted at the pain point only.
Acupuncture In Philadelphia – Different Methods
There are a few different methods of acupuncture in Philadelphia to decide between. The most common form of acupuncture in Philadelphia will be to place the needles in non-acupuncture points. The purpose of this is to effectively provide a release to any tensions or pain that has built up. Alternatively, it is possible to get treatment using sham needles, which are similar to general acupuncture needles. These will provide the effect of acupuncture and the correlation between the two is that sham needles are retractable, whereas normal acupuncture needles are penetrated into the skin. Experiments show that the brain responds to acupuncture, allowing effective pain relief. Focusing on the state of mind an individual is in; the therapist performing acupuncture in Philadelphia can calm and minimize the feeling of discomfort.
If you work in an environment that impacts your muscles, consider acupuncture Philadelphia. Visit to get help with electrical stimulation, needle insertion, glass vacuum cupping, moxibustion and various forms of chiropractic therapy.