One of the most exciting industries to be a part of is the restaurant and food industry. It is a great way to make a living and share your love and passion for food with the world. It can be risky to own your own restaurant, so it is important to have the right insurance in place so you know you are covered should something go wrong in the future. While most restaurants have liability coverage, few have restaurant assault and battery coverage. If you have never had problems with this in the past, you may think this is something that you don’t need. Unfortunately, your customers can have situations that escalate and lead to more serious social issues. Here are a few benefits to having the coverage to keep your business safe.
If a customers is under the influence at your restaurant and become agitated, they may act irresponsibly and cause harm to another person. You can be held liable if you served them alcohol and the fight ensued in your place of business. This can lead to lawsuits and other legal issues. You can make it easier for yourself by letting an insurance company provide the legal guidance you need should this occur.
Hospital Bills
If the person who is injured sues you to help pay for their medical bills, you could wind up paying thousands of dollars out of your pocket to cover them. When you have restaurant assault and battery coverage, you can rest assured that all of their bills will be paid, and that you won’t be left trying to figure out how to make ends meet.
Monetary Compensation
If the person attempts to sue for compensation after the incident, you could be left responsible for paying them. Don’t let one person’s bad choice cause the financial stability of your restaurant to be put at risk. If they move forward and a court determines you are responsible, an insurance policy will keep you from having to pay them money they may be due for restitution for their accident. If you are ready to secure the future of your business, make sure you contact RSI Insurance. Businesses of New York and New Jersey and have been using them to help keep themselves covered should an accident happen, and they can help you too. Call them today to get your free quote and learn more about the benefits of having quality insurance in place. Browse to read more.