How Often Should Marble in Tampa be Sealed?

by | Sep 23, 2020 | Home improvement and appliances

Marble is a popular material for countertops and floors. It’s classic and immediately elevates the status of your home. Unfortunately, it’s easy enough to damage that you’ll want to keep it sealed. The climate in Tampa definitely affects how often this should be done. Instead of marking the date on your calendar, follow these tips to ensure you’re taking appropriate care of your marble in Tampa.

The Water Bead Test

For all its benefits, marble is also extremely porous. If homeowners aren’t careful, it can be damaged easily by scratches and stains. Over time, if not treated with care, your countertops or flooring will lose their pristine shine. Taking time to cover your marble floors and countertops with a sealant to prevent these issues from occurring will more than pay off in the beauty of the marble. While marble will always increase the value of your home, marble that looks new several years after installation will impress guests and potential new owners.

Unfortunately, the climate does have a major impact on how easily marble in Tampa absorbs liquids. That includes how long sealant does a sufficient job protecting your floors and countertops from stains and other damage. Determining when to reapply sealant based on date could leave you without protection when you need it most. Instead, routinely run this simple test to see if it’s time to reseal your marble.

Simply splash a bit of water on your countertops, floors or other marble surfaces. This can be easily accomplished during regular cleaning. Adequately sealed marble will not be penetrated by the water. Instead, it will immediately bead upon its surface. When this doesn’t happen, it’s time to reseal your marble in Tampa.

Which Sealers Are Best?

The supplier you use for the marble in your home will have its own recommendations for the best sealants to use. Most marbles require an impregnator or other penetrating sealant. There are some excellent ones on the market, though your supplier or installers can often help you find the best professional products available at reasonable prices. This is just another reason to use experienced marble installers versus relying on discount suppliers and DIY methods.

Using marble in Tampa homes is a regular aspect of modern renovations. It instantly adds beauty and luxury to any home, whether used on counters or floors, in bathrooms, kitchens or foyers. Ensuring it keeps its good looks through the ages is as simple as applying a professional sealant once in a while. Get a head start on the aging process by asking your installer about which products will do best for your home.

Before you choose a new floor or countertop for your home, ask a qualified installer whether you should choose marble in Tampa remodels. Look at project pictures and information at Classic Stone Gallery or call 1-813-247-2840.

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