Your Urgent Dentist Aurora Expert Discusses Dental Emergencies for Children

by | Oct 7, 2020 | Dental

When you have children, you should just expect that they are going to have accidents. Many of these accidents are going to be dental accidents in which a tooth gets cracked, knocked loose or even knocked out. Here are some things you should know from your urgent dentist Phoenix experts when evaluating your child’s potential emergency.

Call the Dentist First

Before you rush your child to your urgent dentist Phoenix office following an accident, you should call the office first. Many dentists will tell you that your child’s accident may not even require an emergency visit. Your child’s accident may result in damage or loss of a baby tooth, which isn’t going to cause any permanent damage.

Facial Swelling

After your child has an accident, pay close attention to their face for awhile. If their face begins to swell, you should take them to an urgent dentist. If the swelling is associated with a fever, it’s very important to get to an emergency dental office right away. Call the dentist first so they can be ready to treat your child with the proper tools and resources as soon as you walk through the door.

Examining the Mouth

Before you call the dentist about a child’s emergency, you should give your child a thorough examination so you can answer the dentist’s questions. Have any of the teeth been moved around in the mouth? Does your child’s jaw operate normally? Will it open and close correctly? Do you notice any missing or broken teeth? Is there any bleeding in the lips or the gums? The answers to these questions are essential to help your dentist determine if an emergency visit is necessary. Be sure to answer honestly and don’t try to guess at answers. If you aren’t sure about the answer, tell the dentist that you don’t know.


Since the mouth is so close to the brain, an accident that affects the mouth could also affect the brain. Is your child alert following the accident? Do their eyes seem to be glazed over or are they acting differently. If you suspect that your child has a head injury in addition to a dental emergency, the head injury takes priority. Find the nearest emergency room and take your child there to get treated. If there is a nearby hospital that specializes in caring for children, choose that one instead for best results.

Urgent Dentist Coralville – If you aren’t sure if your child’s accident requires an emergency dental visit, you can always call Emergency Dental Associates. Their representatives can ask some questions and get some information to help decide what’s best for your child.

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