Stay Healthy and Get that Blood Test

by | Oct 9, 2020 | Healthcare

There are many reasons that people who live in New York use the services offered by medical diagnostic laboratories in NYC. It could be that you have an ongoing health issue such as diabetes which means you need to have regular blood tests. In which case, you will more than likely wish to bypass your doctor and make an appointment directly with a lab like this.

This is a great way to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels and if you’re insured, the lab will bill your insurance company directly. If you’re not insured you can still book an appointment and pay when you’re there. For some, the problem isn’t as simple as this. That’s not to say that diabetes can be a terrible disease to have, it’s just that once it’s diagnosed there are many things that can be done to keep it under control.

It could be that you have symptoms that point towards a really serious problem such as cancer and this will need to be addressed right away. In this case, you will be referred to a lab by your doctor and they will do the necessary tests for you. This can be a very uneasy time in someone’s life for obvious reasons. This is why the professionals you have an appointment with will go to certain lengths to see to it that you will be comfortable and at ease on your visit.

If you are in this situation, you won’t want to be hanging around for your results for days on end. With medical diagnostic laboratories in NYC, your results will be through within 1-2 days. You can receive them via email, mail or fax. Do remember your doctor will also receive a copy of the results.

Just because the results come through quickly, this doesn’t mean the testing has not been carried out to the highest standards. Experts that work in these labs have studied long and hard so they can gain the necessary qualifications needed. They will take the utmost care over your test results and you will never receive them until the medical professional is completely satisfied that they are correct.

The subject of insurance comes up when talking about anything medical and for those of you that have it, that’s fine. However, there are many people who cannot afford insurance. This doesn’t mean you are excluded from this type of health care. It is possible to book an appointment at the lab and depending on the type of test or series of tests you want, you will be billed accordingly.

If you find it’s going to be too expensive for you to pay all at once, there are labs that will work-out a payment plan for you so you can spread the cost. The message here is that the people who work in these laboratories do so because they care about people’s health. They know that not everyone can afford testing and will do all they can to help you not only get the right diagnosis but also take the stress out of you worrying about how you can pay.

If you are in this situation, you won’t want to be hanging around for your results for days on end. With medical diagnostic laboratories NYC, your results will be through within 1-2 days. For more details, visit Accu Reference Medical Lab today!

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