Custom Glass Tile: Designed and Founded Just For You

by | Oct 20, 2020 | Business

As the name implies, custom glass tile are tiles made from glass to suit your taste and the environment of your home. They come in a variety of colors, shapes, textures and styles. Most people think that glass tiles are shiny, smooth and of a solid color, when the reality is that though some are solid in color, others are multi-colored or have a variety of patterns. Others are sandblasted with rough finish to give it an uneven surface, and others more are opalescent.

There is a variety of custom glass tile to choose from including frozen tiles, etched, subway, bubble tiles, slumped tiles, mosaic tiles, clear tiles which are considered the most elegant of all other options, and even recycled tiles. Recycled tiles are made of recycled glass and come in a range of colors and surfaces. They are usually chosen by customers and home owners because they are environmentally safe and keep glass out of landfills which in turn reduces the amount of injuries to landfill workers or animals.

The process of designing custom glass tile includes mixing and fusing pigments that would saturate into the tile’s body over time and then placing extra layers of color and coatings throughout the melting process. After the color of the glass and the look is chosen and complete, there are more processes to follow so as to design the texture of the tile.

There are two main kinds of custom glass tile, each of which is used for particular situations: lightweight and heavyweight. Lightweight glass tiles are used for ornamental purposes such as wall backsplashes and mosaics. They are specifically designed for artistic purposes. Heavyweight glass tiles are used for floors, counters and walls, such as the subway tiles of New York City subways, or pool areas. Custom glass tiles are recommended to home owners for a variety of reasons; not only do they enhance a room’s appeal but they can decrease the level of allergens and mold, grime or mildew buildup that grow in homes over the course of time. Custom glass tiles are not only beautiful but they are versatile as well against any moisture hence why home owners usually install them in bathrooms, kitchens and pool areas.

Custom glass tile and their usage and art go as far back as the Roman Empire. Unearthed samples of glass tiles were found in bath house sites and pool areas, leading many to believe that even the ancients were looking for ways to counter the moisture buildup in certain sites. It is thanks to the ancients’ melting techniques and glass tile designs that modern-day home owners and designers recommend and use custom glass tiles in their homes, pools and other locations. Custom glass tiles today are blended with wood, metal and other textiles for purely artistic and dynamic purposes primarily in areas such as kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms, pools and on wall art such as mosaics and wall backsplashes.

Susan Jablon Mosaics has a vast inventory of custom glass tiles to choose from for the remodeling of your home. For more information on colors, textures and styles or to order your custom glass tiles, please visit Website Domain.

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