Air Duct Cleaning Key To Truly Clean White Plains NY Homes

by | Oct 19, 2020 | Business

When considering air duct cleaning in White Plains NY families should think about the importance of cleanliness and a sanitary home. No one would allow food to sit untouched on a counter for weeks or months at a time or leave a carpet unvaccuumed for a year, yet this is precisely what most home’s air ducts resemble. Every time an air conditioning unit or furnace kicks on and begins circulating air it picks up miniscule pieces of dust and debris, depositing them in the air ducts above and below. When left undisturbed the air ducts build layer upon layer of dust, mold and other toxins; all of which could be eliminated with regular air duct cleaning.

Look At The Vacuum

Anyone who vacuums regularly knows how shocking it is to empty the bag or canister. To think that junk is in everyone’s carpet day after day! Most White Plains families never think about from where all that dust and crud originates. It falls from the air being circulated throughout the home. Whether they want to admit it or not, anyone who has gone months before changing their vacuum waste knows how awful the smell is when they finally do. That smell is mold and bacteria and most home’s air ducts are scarily similar to that stew found in unchanged vacuum bags and can only be gotten rid of by air duct cleaning.

What’s On the Inside?

As air circulates throughout the house over and over it brings back dust, pet hair, pet dander, bacteria and viruses, mold spores and water vapor. Once inside the air duct system some of those particles stick. After months the build-up can be as much as an inch thick. Every time the blower turns on some of the build-up is blown off re-introducing itself back into the home environment.

The Cost Of Clogged Air Ducts

While it’s sickening to think of all the nasty components that make up the inch of debris lining a home’s air duct system it must be noted that the debris takes its toll not only on the lungs of everyone in the house breathing it but also the AC unit and furnaces. It takes more effort to push air through the ducts when they are clogged. The EPA estimates that with only four tenths of an inch of dust covering the coils of an HVAC unit its efficiency is diminished by over twenty percent. That shortens the lifespan significantly resulting in higher utility bills and costly repairs.

Most people want a clean and safe home free from toxins and pollutants. Their dedication to daily chores serves as proof. They need be careful, though, not to ignore the unsanitary spots they cannot see. Only by getting a professional air duct cleaning can White Plains NY families ensure their home is truly clean and the air is not contributing to unsanitary conditions within the home.

duct cleaning in White Plains NY : Illness, allergies and dust all can be attributed to dirty air ducts. White Plains NY families can get professional air duct cleaning at Website Domain.

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