Choosing the ideal applicator is the most crucial step to achieve a perfect floor, but different types of floors require different types of applicators. In the case of hardwood floors, the best option is to use polyurethane, and to apply it flawlessly, a lambswool applicator will be an ideal choice, just like a lambswool roller gives an incredible finish to your paint.
In this article, you will find information about the use of the lambswool applicator and the lambswool applicator prepping process before you use them on your hardwood floor.
Lambswool Applicator Uses
The best and most common use of a lambswool applicator is that it is the perfect applicator when it comes to applying polyurethane onto the hardwood floors. A lambswool applicator spreads polyurethane evenly on the surface, and it is much better to use a lambswool applicator instead of a lambswool paint roller when it comes to polyurethane application.
How to Prepare Lambswool Applicator
- The goal is to spread polyurethane evenly on your hardwood floor, and this can be achieved by soaking the lambswool pad in mineral spirits for about half an hour.
- Now, take the lambswool pad out and squeeze it so that the pad is not drenched in mineral spirits. Squeeze it until it remains damp, but do not dry it completely.
- Next, you should take the lambswool pad and fix it in the head of the applicator. To do this, you will have to remove the two wing nuts that hold the two parts of the applicator’s head together.
- When you get to the wrapping, the wool part of the pad should be on the outside, and then put the nuts back together.