Consider the volume on a television. When on low it is difficult to hear and we must strain to catch every word. When you pray your words reach God’s ears and he wishes to help you. When several people pray for the same cause the volume is turned up and God sees how...
Victoria Garcia
Receive Compensation With Help From A Car Accident Lawyer In Lake Charles
Vehicle accidents occur on a constant basis and due to a number of reasons. Most recently, texting, cell phone conversations and using other mobile devices are among the leading causes of accidents; however, the long standing causes are still posing threats to...
What John can teach us about Love
God is love. As Christians we know this. But as Christians are we living with love in our hearts as God wishes us? Many of us love our families and friends but fall short of loving our neighbors. The bible has much to teach us about love and how we can live with love...
Is a Lack of Discipline keeping you from getting closer to God?
A lack of discipline will keep you from meeting your goals and being successful in everything you do. Discipline is at the root of all success whether it is your goal to lose weight, learn to speak a new language or get better marks in school. Discipline teaches you...
Christianity and Sports a Good Mix
You have seen the football player fall down on one knee after scoring a winning touchdown, a cyclist kiss his cross as he crosses the finish line and hockey teams saying a prayer before they head out on the ice. Christianity and prayer have played a role in sports for...