Victoria Garcia

How God Helps you become Resilient

Resilience allows you to take things that come to you through life and handle them with grace and acceptance. More so, resilience allows you to carry on without taking too much negativity into your heart and losing your faith in your self or the world. God plays a...

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How Prayer can change the World

Consider the volume on a television. When on low it is difficult to hear and we must strain to catch every word. When you pray your words reach God’s ears and he wishes to help you. When several people pray for the same cause the volume is turned up and God sees how...

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What John can teach us about Love

God is love. As Christians we know this. But as Christians are we living with love in our hearts as God wishes us? Many of us love our families and friends but fall short of loving our neighbors. The bible has much to teach us about love and how we can live with love...

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