Recent studies from the University of Sydney have indicated what natural medicine proponents have long known: Breathing exercises can help those who suffer from asthma. The study indicated that patients who were taught breathing exercises and techniques reduced their...
Buteyko Practitioners Are Trained to Help You Normalize Breathing
Normalizing your breathing through a specific technique known as the Buteyko method (named after K. Buteyko, who began to develop his breathing techniques in the 1950s) can help reduce a series of symptoms that result from over-breathing or hyperventilation. According...
Enlarged Adenoids Can be Reduced without Surgery
Parents often find themselves accompanying their children through excruciatingly difficult periods of hospitalization and surgery in order to clear breathing passages that are caused by enlarged adenoids. This cycle leads to costly procedures that ultimately are not...
Natural Asthma Relief without Drugs or Inhalers
Suffering from asthma is not only physically debilitating but can have a significant impact on your quality of life. It is also a frightening and potentially life-endangering condition that is difficult for any parent to witness their child endure. Serious asthma can...
Reduced Breathing Leads to Better Body Functions
It can be a surprising discovery to realize that you do not know how to breathe correctly. The reason that this comes as a shock to most people is because breathing is an automatic function. It is not something that we have to consciously think about throughout the...