Your self- image and confidence can receive a boost if you regularly visit your local dentist Dentist in Port Monmouth – How they help with Fluoride and Oral Hygiene
in Port Monmouth. More important than that is the importance of oral hygiene as well as Fluoride. Usually most of the people are not aware of the benefits of Fluoride. This article will look into the benefits of regular dental checkups, Fluoride as well as your oral hygiene.
Fluoride ensures that your tooth enamel is strong by reducing the mineral loss from it as well as by increasing the mineral deposits on it. Fluoride can also protect your teeth from the harmful and the decaying action of the bacteria in our mouth. The enamel is actually the outermost coating of the tooth and it can be considered highly important against cavities. When the enamel disintegrates and gets compromised, the entire tooth faces a very high risk.
Fluoride is not only found in toothpastes but also in infant formulas and is also added to water in some places. If you are worried that your children may not be receiving enough fluoride from their daily diet, you can consult your local dentistinPortMonmouth to recommend any fluoride supplement if it is required. The dentist will have to ensure that he recommends it after careful analysis since too much of fluoride can also lead to slight
discoloration of the teeth. A good way to ensure that your child gets enough fluoride is to have them brush their teeth twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste. Brushing does provide fluoride, however it also removes the oral bio-film on your teeth. The bacteria in our mouth react with the sugars found in most of our foods and forms cavities in the teeth; if left unattended will eventually decay the enamel. Another way is to use fluoridated drinking water that will assist to provide the required level of fluoride and will help to avoid all dental problems.
Apart from the fluoride, it is also essential to maintain good oral hygiene. Children and babies have the highest tendency to develop tooth problems. It is always suggested that parents should avoid giving aerated drinks or snacks with high sugar content at an early age. A balanced diet should be the source of nutrition of a child. Toddlers who are bottle fed have higher tendencies to develop cavities in their early childhood if they usually go to sleep with a feeding bottle left unattended in their mouth. To avoid cavities during childhood, children’s teeth must be properly cleaned after each feeding. It is suggested that parents should get dental checkups done for their babies since the age of 1 year. Research indicates that almost 24% of children around the age of 2 to 4 years have dental problems. Taking good care of your child’s teeth at an early age will help to reduce the possibilities of tooth and gum problems.
With good oral hygiene assisted with the use of fluoride in limited quantities will help you and your local dentistinPort Monmouth to maintain your teeth in the best possible way throughout your life.
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