Essential Tips to Help You Get the Best from a Fireback

by | Nov 23, 2020 | Home and garden

A fireback simply refers to the panel made from a metal that is placed at the back of the fire place. It is typically leaned against the back wall. However, it can also be mounted to a wall if you prefer or at times, you will even come across individuals who stand firebacks on legs.

The fireback has two main purposes. First and foremost, they are used to protect the back wall of a fire place from intense heat that may lead to the deterioration of your brick with time. The second purpose of firebacks is to reflect this severe heat back to your room. This results to the fireplace that can warm you up again. This reduces any amount of heat that could easily get lost up through your chimney.

The third purpose of firebacks is their great aesthetic value. They have a cool decorative appeal, and you could easily get one that fits the style of your home and improve the visual appeal of the place your fireplace normally is.

Firebacks are not really a new happening as far as fireplaces are concerned. Actually, they date back to the seventeenth century when they were created from cast iron, from logos given by the fire insurers or from the sections of old furnaces. Since that time, they have really evolved to a point where you can get those that match the needs of your room and fire place.

You can reap the full benefits of the fireback irrespective of whether you are using a gas or a wood burning fireplace. There are a number of options for firebacks. Some of the options are dependent on the kind of fireplace grate you use. With regard to sizing, you may get firebacks in a broad array of sizes. You should simply take the measurements of your back wall then look for a fireback with matching dimensions.

Firebacks are made of either stainless steel or cast iron, and there are advantages to each. Stainless steel reflects more heat compared to cast iron. It will also fit in most rooms and fireplaces that have a contemporary and more modern style. Installing them is easier and they are also more lightweight. On the other hand, cast iron keeps and emits more heat because of their size and weight. They also come in various sizes, which make them the best selection especially if your sizing falls out of the average range. Besides, they do not warp, meaning they are durable.

Regardless of the fireback type you select, after adding one to your own fireplace, you will quickly notice the difference in your room’s visual appeal apart from the amount of heat given off. This makes it an essential part of your fireplace.

Fireback brings style and sophistication to your fire place and increases overall heat output & efficiency of your fire. Visit fire side shop for most attractive fire back designs.

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