In a nutshell; you cannot; however, what you can do is conduct your own method of due diligence. Assuming that you are a user of tobacco products (or, at least, wish to buy some as a gift for someone else); the first step is the obvious one; go online and run a search for Tobacco Online Store; there is no need to be specific about location since, like any other form of online business enterprise; their location is up in the cloud of the world wide web; their customers can be anyone with an internet connection; an internationally accepted method of electronic payment and a delivery address in a place that allows tobacco products to be delivered direct to individuals. Probably, you won’t even have to worry about currency for payments since these sites either price in US$; or, they rapidly convert whatever currency is shown into US$.
With traditional shopping at a tobacconist’s establishment (which has a real, physical location); once you have found out how to get there; where to park your car and other, similar minor details; there could be a problem over your age since different localities have different regulations over how old you must be before being allowed to purchase any tobacco product. With that hurdle cleared; you will want to see what they actually have in stock and the prices that they are asking you to pay should you wish to make purchases. In most locations; you are unlikely to be able to browse rows of priced shelving to help you to pick out what to buy – you will probably have to have a quite lengthy discussion with one of the shop’s sales persons.
Compare this to any Tobacco Online Store that came up in your search; there might be some “stupid” ones that don’t tell you what they have; but, most will have an online, priced catalog that contains just about anything in the tobacco line that you might be interested in.
They All Sound Similar
Online shopping today is a serious, genuine and honest activity; so, chances are that you can believe what a Tobacco Online Store is telling you. See what they say about their delivery methods and terms; do they mention if they really do hold stock and, if so, is it held in premises suitable for tobacco storage? However, the only real way to check is to do your research and, then, place a small value initial order with them and see if what transpires lives up to your expectations.
The Tobacco Online Store of BnB tobacco can cater for most of your tobacco related needs and constantly strives for customer satisfaction. You can start by finding out more about them by visiting