Consider the volume on a television. When on low it is difficult to hear and we must strain to catch every word. When you pray your words reach God’s ears and he wishes to help you. When several people pray for the same cause the volume is turned up and God sees how many people are troubled by the same concern. Imagine if all of us were praying in unison for world peace, the end of world hunger and man’s ability to embrace a life of equality and freedom. Would our prayers be answered?
Are you listening?
The real question is, if God answers are you listening. Prayer brings us closer to God, but first we must have the love and faith of God in our hearts. God answers our prayers everyday but we often miss what he is trying to tell us. When we pray for world peace, very few of us follow up by choosing to live in peace ourselves. When we pray to stop world hunger we do not assist at the soup kitchen or even donate food during our children’s school food drives. God shows us the hardship of others everyday, yet we do not choose to reach out a hand and help. God answers your prayers in many ways including providing guidance to help you help yourself.
Continue Praying
God wishes you to continue your prayers in earnest. He wants to feel your faith through your prayer and the belief that he will hear you and answer your call. Join an online prayer chain, pray in the morning and at night and pray when you need the strength to carry on. With every prayer you must gain strength as well as feel your faith grow. The more you believe God will answer your prayers the clearer his signs will become. You will learn that your prayers are answered when you live the life God intended for you spreading his word through good deeds and living with only love in your heart. Your faith in God will give you the power to believe God’s strength will help you whenever you need him to be there for you.
If you wish to join an online prayer chain visit Website Domain and learn how the strength of prayer can enrich your life providing comfort and guidance.