How to Avoid Letting Emotions Lead You

by | Dec 1, 2020 | Business

Emotions are very powerful. They can make us laugh, make us cry and make us angry. Emotions must never be used to guide us. Instead it is very important to learn to read our own emotions and recognize when they can get us into trouble. Jealousy, rage and hate are all examples of emotions that can lead us down the wrong path. A Personal Prophecy Request can help you learn how to use God’s love to guide you instead of your emotions.

The Root of our Emotions

If you are living with a heavy heart a personal prophecy request can help you discover what is at the root of your negative emotions. You may have had a hard childhood with abuse and poverty. You may have had a bad relationship that has led to trust issues. You may have anger related to being poor or being unhealthy. You may be feeling the heaviness of having lost a loved one. All of these causes can lead to making your emotions lie just below the surface and therefore harder to manage. When your emotions are hard to manage they can begin to become the leading and driving force behind everything you do.

Overcoming Bitterness

With a personal prophecy request you will be given God’s intention for you making it easier for you to overcome bitterness. You will soon see how a growing faith in God will help you become a stronger person and learn to let go of your past. You will see your future holds happiness and good fortune if you can learn to overcome bitterness, anger and hate you might have carried with you. These are all very heavy burdens to carry and you can find great relief and release when you are able to understand God wishes good to come to you if you can open your heart and welcome him into your life. God has always been there for you, it is just a matter of allowing him to help you. Without feeling faith you cannot live as close to God. As your faith strengthens so too will your ability to stop letting emotions lead you and allow God’s light to be the only guide in your life.

To make your free personal prophecy request online visit Website Domain for more information. You can discover how easy it is to learn more about God’s word.

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