How to Perform tree care in Richmond VA from Planting to Maturity

by | Dec 17, 2020 | Business

Planting a tree on your property is a great way to improve your property value and your landscaping, but it also requires an investment in time and tree care Richmond VA. Most trees have a life expectancy of at least 50 years, and many will outlive the people who planted them, so it is best if you know what will be involved to correctly perform the necessary tree care Richmond VA from planting to maturity before you dig the first shovelful of dirt.


Once you have read the instructions included with your new tree, it is time to plant it in the ground. This growth stage of your tree requires more tree care Richmond VA than any other stage, but the investment in time at this stage will be paid back exponentially as the tree matures.

Be sure to water your tree regularly. Even trees that can grow without steady water will do better with several inches each week. Two weeks after you have planted your tree, fertilize it with a fertilizer designed for trees and their unique needs. Remove any tags remaining from the nursery. Trim any damaged or broken branches back close to the tree trunk.

The First Few Years

Continue to water regularly, although you may begin to space waterings out until you are on a weekly schedule, or are just letting nature water your trees. Every 4-6 months, continue your feeding schedule with a fertilizer designed for trees. Begin your yearly pruning of branches into the shape you would like your tree to be at maturity. Trim off any broken or damaged branches, or any that are growing too low to the ground. You want the permanent bottom branches to be above your head so that you can continue tree care Richmond VA as the tree reaches maturity. If you have problems pruning your trees correctly, or have become overwhelmed with the process during these years, hiring a tree service Richmond VA can help to ensure your trees have the best possible start.


It can take as many as 15-20 years for some of the slower growing trees to reach maturity, but the proper pruning and tree care Richmond VA will help you establish strong, stable branches. By investing the time in proper tree care Richmond VA, your trees will be more likely to survive storms, high winds, hail, and ice.

To learn more about how to perform tree care in Richmond VA from planting to maturity, visit us online at Website Domain.

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