Invest in Escape Ladders for Your Kids’ Rooms

by | Oct 12, 2020 | Business

We’ve all had the nightmare. You wake abruptly in the middle of the night, wondering what would happen if a fire were to start in your home. How would you get your kids out safely? Do you have a plan of attack for what to do should this happen? Aside from calling 911 or the local fire department, how would you get them out of the house unscathed? Escape ladders are a good start.

The Great Escape

Escape ladders are an inexpensive way to ensure your peace of mind. We all do what we can to prevent fires from occurring in our homes, from practicing sound safety measures around the kitchen to installing user friendly alarms to let us know when smoke or fire is present. But if it’s the middle of the night and time is more of the essence than usual, there needs to be a way to get your kids out of their rooms pronto.

An Emergency Situation

Simply purchasing escape ladders may not do anything to help you. You still need to practice drills with your kids so they know that they are safe on these ladders. What if you are unable to get into their rooms during a fire or perhaps even a home invasion? They will need to be able to quickly, safely, easily and quietly get out the window. But just because an escape ladder is there does not mean your kids will feel safe with them. You need to practice with them. Have them run a drill every month or so. This way, if something ever does happen, they’ll almost be programmed to let their escape ladders out the window and will know precisely how to climb down them to safety.

Escape Ladders Keep You Safe Too

Escape ladders are ideally suited for your kids, but what about you? What if someone breaks into your home and you have nowhere else to turn? What if a fire has started and you cannot escape through your front door? Your kids depend on you to keep them safe, but if they have escape ladders in their rooms and you do not, how will you ever get out safely like they did? Give your entire family peace of mind by having an escape ladder easily accessible in every room where it is required. You will not know it’s there until the day you need it. is a provider of home safety products for babies and children. Its full line of products includes everything from escape ladders to child safety locks.

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