Reduce Scar Discomfort With Physical Therapy In Philadelphia

by | Nov 17, 2020 | Healthcare

A condition or unexpected disaster might result in the need for surgery and during the recovery process; help with physical therapy in Philadelphia could be really helpful. When your scars are healing, someone who works in physical therapy will need to pay close attention to them. The reason for this is because a lack of care could result in the scar building up thick tissue and not only looking unattractive, but causing discomfort and distress too. Long-term pain could impact your quality of life, making it important to get help. Learn about what is included in scar desensitization when getting assistance withphysical therapy in Philadelphia.

Physical Therapy In Philadelphia – Why Get Scar Desensitization?

One, two, three weeks or more after a surgery the scar tissue can become relatively sensitive. If this sensation languishes for quite some time, you need to consider physical therapy in Philadelphia so that the scar can reduce in tenderness. Physical therapy in Philadelphia will normally consist of scar desensitization, which targets the problem area and builds up strength, while reducing sensitivity in that area. Hands-on exercises will generally be performed by someone working with physical therapy in Philadelphia, so that the recovery process for scar tissue is prompt.

Physical Therapy In Philadelphia – Percussion

Percussion is part of the process that takes place during physical therapy in Philadelphia. Also known as tapping, percussion physical therapy in Philadelphia will test the reflexes to ensure that the skin is knitting together properly. The automatic reflex will be activated during this time and normally, a finger or light object such as a pencil will be used to do so. Continuous, light percussions will help you to determine the part of the skin which is weakest. When this happens on a regular basis, you can effectively understand how well the skin is healing and what needs to be done to improve the situation. While this can be performed on your own, someone who specializes in physical therapy in Philadelphia should be hired.

Physical Therapy In Philadelphia – Friction Massage

During physical therapy in Philadelphia, friction massage will take place after percussion. Friction massage physical therapy in Philadelphia works by stretching the affected area of scar tissue, which lies underneath a layer of skin. This technique must be implemented numerous times during a single day for the best results. A normal appearance can be achieved with this procedure and typically, this should be accomplished without the use of lubricants or moisturizers. Over time, any pain associated with touching a scar can be reduced and by following advice supplied by someone dealing with physical therapy in Philadelphia, the recovery course can be even quicker.

Any sensitive scar, big or small, can benefit from physical therapy Philadelphia. Visit to hire help with scar desensitization, soft tissue mobilization, tissue desensitization, scar management, manual therapy, neuromuscular re-education, aquatic therapy and Kinesio taping.

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