Regardless of Circumstances, a Florida DUI Law Firm Can Help with Drunk Driving Charge

by | Jul 31, 2020 | Law and legal

If you have been pulled over by the Florida Highway Patrol and are now facing a DUI charge, it can seem as though your whole world has come to an end. You probably feel as though no one can possibly be facing a worse set of circumstances than you are. However, regardless of the situation, contacting attorneys at a reputable law firm can provide you with inestimable assistance as you prepare to defend yourself against a DUI charge. It is always helpful to remember that the state of affairs regarding a particular DUI could always be worse, and that regardless of the situation, it is likely that the attorneys at your Florida DUI law firm can find some details within your case that will bolster your defense.

An example of a set of circumstances that may not have been optimum occurred in Crestview, Florida recently when a 25-year-old man hit a parked police car and was subsequently charged with DUI. Police reports indicate that a police officer had parked his vehicle, with lights flashing, on the side of the road in order to work a traffic accident. While the cruiser was parked and unoccupied, it was rear-ended by the driver of a 2006 Volkswagen. The driver of the VW was taken to a local hospital following the incident and was subsequently arrested for DUI.

However unfortunate the specifics of this DUI case, things could have been worse. For example, the police officer could have been in the vehicle when it was hit or the accident could have propelled the parked car into one of the persons involved in the other accident. In this case, however, there were no injuries involved other than those sustained by the driver, who was charged. When this driver contacts an attorney with a Florida DUI law firm, they will be able to analyze all of the details of his case to determine what aspects can be used to build his defense and whether or not there are bits of evidence that can be thrown out or suppressed because of the manner in which they were obtained.

Do not let your Florida DUI case details send you into a spiral of despair thinking that the details are too overwhelming for a law firm to be able to offer you a viable defense. Florida DUI law is incredibly complex, and the lawyers at the Florida DUI law firm that you choose will be able to comb through the specifics of your case and will assiduously develop the best defense possible.

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