One of the easiest ways to deal with those who hurt you, make you angry or take things away from you is to remember that God is just. We often make the mistake that we must do something to stop people from doing bad things to us by doing bad things back to them. All God asks of you is to keep love in your heart no matter what happens because he will deal with all those who have truly sinned. Faith in God teaches you that you do not have to get even with anyone, nor should this ever cross your mind, as you will always know through your faith that God is watching and will be there to balance things out in the end.
Living with Love
It is hard to live with love you in your heart everyday for everyone. People will make it hard for you. They will do terrible things but your ultimate goal must be to rise above it all and live with God in your heart. The perfect example of how to live with love in your heart is Jesus. Jesus was God’s only son and lived with nothing but love in his heart. No matter what people threw his way he was ready with a response of love or was able to turn the other cheek. If you are able to bring to mind the way Jesus lived his life it will provide inspiration for you to live as God intends you to live. A free prophecy reading can also offer insight on ways to live closer to God and be happier in all you do.
Patience and Understanding
Sometimes it is good to view those who are cruel or dishonest as small children and handle them with patience and understanding. Think of them as people who have yet to grow fully as you have in your heart and mind. Maturity and acceptance of God brings with it much wisdom. Those who do not live with God’s love in their heart are still much like children with much to learn about life. You treat children with love, kindness and patience. So too should you treat those who are cruel and dishonest. Jesus did not waste his time with those who chose not to live as he did. Instead he told his disciples not to waste their time on those who turned a deaf ear to the words they wished to teach and instead to wipe the sand from their feet and move on.
If you would like to learn more about receiving a free prophecy reading you can visit Webste Domain for information on the prophecies they can provide.