The process of water treatment is provide humans with the healthiest drinking water possible and it begins with a treatment plant. Unless you live near a natural spring and your water comes perfectly clean straight out of the ground you probably have city water. City water comes from your faucet and it must reach certain standards of cleanliness before it can come into your home for your consumption. The industrial type process is designed to remove all particles, chemicals, dirt and toxins from water that is intended for homes drinking use. Many hundreds of different substances are removed from water to make it drinkable. Some of the bacteria removed are algae, fungi, suspended solids, viruses, minerals like iron, manganese and many other pollutants.
Distribution and Conveyance
Let’s take Florida as an example area. When you drink water from your home faucet you will not consider that it has been through a very long journey. They journey begins with the treatment plant and the pre-chlorination process. This is for the control and removal of all algae and any biological growth. After the first two processes comes the aeration process which disperses manganese and irons from the water. The next step is the coagulant stages and the coagulant aids—the polyelectrolytes—which improves the flocculation.
Solids are separated and suspended solids are removed and stuck in the floc, as part of the sedimentation process. The filtration process is the stage where all particles are removed from the water and then the desalination process removes all the salt. The final process includes the disinfection of the water and this process kills any remaining bacteria. The water is then tested and inspected to make sure it reaches above and beyond the accepted standards for the Florida Water treatment facility.
Stringent rules are in place when it comes to the health of drinking water and it must pass muster to ab allowed into the homes of the people who will consume it. Industrial water is treated slightly differently because of the nature of the water. Boiler water and cooling water treatment are important in the industrial process because failure to treat correctly can lead to a reaction between solids and bacteria in the pipes or boiler housing and this causes corrosion.
To understand and order top quality Florida water treatment, contact Florida Water Technologies for a list of their products and prices.