Types of Cases That Come Under the Purview of the Family Law

by | Oct 22, 2020 | Law and legal

When it comes to family law attorneys, there are various types of cases that are handled by them. While there can be cases of divorce and marriage, there are also cases like taking the legal custody of a child and other cases that require the mediation of an experienced lawyer. Are you wondering whether the property related problems that you and your family members are facing should be presented to a family law attorney? Here’s a list of the types of cases that comes under the purview of such law:

  1. Within the family there are cases that involve various agreements like – prenuptial, marriage, and postnuptial. There are also situations like same sex marriages, and distributions of assets that demands legal mediation.
  2. There are also cases like divorce and dissolve of marriages that comes under the purview of family law. Annulments and issues regarding the alimony are also quite common cases within a family. In such a situation, the presence and intermediation of an experienced attorney is required to streamline the whole process.
  3. Child custody is another important area of familial dispute. It is important to decide the right custody for the child/children. There are various things to decide in such a situation like – each of the parents responsibilities towards the child, the visitation of the parents after divorce, grandparent’s roles, and also the amount of alimony that the parent deserves. It is also decided under the family law whether the child needs any foster care.
  4. Other than child custody, child adoption is also guided by certain legal clauses. The legitimacy of the adoption is decided by the court of law. The case is presented under the family law. In cases where there are complains of abuse and torture meted out to the child, parental rights termination is also dealt with by such laws.
  5. There are also cases where either of the spouses is accused of abusing the other. There are also cases of adultery, bigamy, mental stress due to family problems; all comes under the area of the family law.
  6. Child abduction is another problem that is dealt under the law.

So, you can see that there are various types of situations that are handled by an attorney. If you are facing any or the above mentioned situations within your family, you can definitely contact an experienced attorney. Remember, when it comes to hiring the best attorney who deals with family law, Riverside (CA) is the place to be.

Family law is an area of the law that deals with family-related issues. For more information on family law Riverside CA or divorce attorney Riverside CA, log on to website.

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