Understanding Elements Needed for a Personal Injury Lawyer to Have Success with a Case

by | Nov 20, 2020 | Business

No one wants to become injured, but when it happens to you, you need to know whether or not you have a case. In order to serve your purposes the best, you would be well advised to hire a personal injury lawyer. A personal injury lawyer will help you decide whether or not you have a case. And, if you do, the lawyer will help you figure out how to work your way through the various laws that are in place so that you can get the compensation you deserve.

When you work with a personal injury lawyer, you will need to determine three important things in order to move your case forward. You will need to think about liability, damages, and recovery sources in order to have a winning case.


Liability is likely going to be the first element you will determine in any personal injury case. If someone else is liable for your injury, the case might be simple, but liability is not always easy to prove. If you work at a business that does not provide proper safety equipment, for example, and you are injured because of that negligence, it might be harder to prove liability than if someone simply hit you with their car.

Your personal injury lawyer will help you determine if there is liability in your case and who is liable. If there is no liability, you have no case, even if the other two elements are in place. You will also have to think about known risks that are involved in your job, which often do not count as matters of liability.


Once you figure out the liability element of your case, you can move on to damages and ask what harm was caused by the person or company that was liable for the situation. In some cases, this is also easy to determine because you might have physical damages you can claim. These damages will lead to medical bills and possibly even lack of income because of missed work. Other times, if you were harmed in a psychological way, for example, damages will be more complicated.

If you cannot prove that any damage was done, even if you have liability, you do not have a case. The court will not have anything to award to you, even if the company is liable for some type of accident.

Recover Sources

Once you have liability and damages figured out, you will have to think about the recovery source. In other words, will you be able to collect the damages you are owed from a source? This answer can also easily be yes if your company is liable or you know who hit you with their car. However, if you do not know whom to blame, you also do not have a case.

Personal Injury Lawyer PAWebsite URL is a website of legal professionals who help those who have the need for personal injury lawyers and legal advice due to a variety of injuries.

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