Social Security Disability is a benefit that is available to individuals who are unable to work due to a disability. To be eligible for benefits, you must have worked enough years and paid into the Social Security system. Once you become disabled, you will need to submit proof of your condition to the Social Security Administration (SSA). If you are approved, you will begin receiving benefits on a monthly basis.
In addition to providing financial assistance, Social Security Disability also offers other programs and services that can help disabled individuals live independently. For example, the SSA offers vocational rehabilitation services that can help you learn new skills or find a job that is suited to your abilities. They also offer medical assistance through Medicare and Medicaid. If you are approved for Social Security Disability, you may be eligible for these additional programs and services.
Despite these benefits, the SSDI application process can be complex and overwhelming, and applications are often denied. As a result, it is important to have a Greensboro disability attorney by your side when applying for benefits.
An attorney can help you navigate the complex application process and ensure that your claim is properly submitted. In addition, if your claim is denied, an attorney can help you file an appeal. The appeals process can be lengthy and confusing, but an experienced attorney will know how to present your case in a positive light and give you the best chance of winning your appeal.
Don’t go through the SSDI application process alone. If you are seeking benefits due to a disability, contact a Greensboro disability attorney today. Visit their website to request a consultation with the legal team at Business Name.